When you’re ready.

Generous Guidelines

We cherish work that is uniquely your voice. We want to look at a piece and pinpoint its origins. We want work filled with vivid images, uncertainty, and exploration.

Before submitting, we encourage you read press. Our editor delves into more detail on submission guidelines and what we desire to see in your submission.

General Guidelines

Send submissions to Any subject line title. In the body of the email, please include a cover letter and a short, third-person biographical statement.

Please do not include any identifiable or personal information on your submission.

Simultaneous submission is accepted, though do let us know. If your work has been accepted elsewhere, please query in a reply to the initial email. 

Submissions that do not follow guidelines will be given a response to simply resubmit. We want to give you a fair chance without indifference.

Past contributors are asked to re-submit one issue after initial publication.

Genre Guidelines


  • Submit up to three unpublished poems with a maximum of ten pages total in a .pdf or .docx file. Each poem must be on a separate page.

  • We enjoy long-form poems, concrete or hybrid works. Surprise us. High-resolution images please.

  • While work inspired by others is great, we cherish work that is uniquely your voice. So, try to submit work that speaks to you. Keep to the theme(s) of exploration, nature, and uncertainty. 

  • Do not submit excessively derogatory, theological, or erotic work.


  • Submit up to two unpublished pieces of prose or creative non-fiction of up to 5,000 words each in a .pdf or .docx file.

  • While work inspired by others is great, we cherish work that is uniquely your voice. So, try to submit work that speaks to you. We especially like prose with fun narratives and clean, polished language.

  • Genre and literary fiction accepted.

  • Do not submit excessively derogatory, theological, or erotic work.

  • Note: As we tend to receive prose on the lengthier side, make it count. Get to your point from the get-go, have polished, clean language, and a good topic on the prior themes.


  • Submit up to three unpublished pieces of artwork including painting, photography, sculpture, ceramics, digital work, and mixed media. Or, surprise us.

  • Submit high-resolution images as PNG or JPG files.

  • In the body of your email, you may optionally provide an artist’s statement for each piece. Each statement should not be over five-hundred words.

  • Do not submit excessively derogatory, theological, or erotic work.


  • We are open to hybrid work and music. We particularly enjoy liminal creations, something sentimental. For music, we prefer instrumentals and experimental noise that is on the muted side. Or, surprise us.

  • You may submit up to three works each.

  • Do not submit excessively derogatory, theological, or erotic work.

Response Time

We aim to reply one-to-three weeks from submission. Please query after two months.

Publication Rights

Where The Meadows Reside receives first electronic serial rights to your piece upon publication. After publication, all rights revert back to the author. If your work appears elsewhere later, please acknowledge Where The Meadows Reside as the first place of publication.

Reading Periods

September 1st—October 31st

December 1st—January 31st

March 1st—April 30th

June 1st—July 31st